Welcome/Introduction (Garate, Davila, and Pearlman) |
Welcome (W. Gurtner) |
History and Meeting Overview (M. Pearlman) |
ROA: 250 Years of Scientific Activities (R. Boloix) |

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0.5 Mb |
Zip archive of all files from Introduction
session |
Scientific Achievements, Applications, and Future Requirements I (Pavlis, Garate) |
The Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) in its Initial Phase (H. Drewes) |
A Multi Year SLR Solution (H. Mueller, D. Angermann, B. Meisel) |
Processing 18.6 Years of Lageos Data (J.-M. Lemoine,
R. Biancale, G. Bourda) |
SLR Contributions in the Establishment of the Terrestrial Reference Frame (E. Pavlis) |
Long Term Monitoring of Geophysical Parameters Using SLR (V. Luceri, C. Sciarretta, G. Bianco) |
Determination of EOP from Combination of SLR and VLBI
Data at the Observational Level (N. Shuygina) (cancelled) |
Scientific Achievements, Applications, and Future Requirements II (Schutz, Biancale) |
Combination of Space Geodesy Techniques for Monitoring the Kinematics Of The Earth (D. Coulot, R. Biancale, P. Berio, A.-M. Gontier, S. Loyer, L. Soudarin, J.-M. Lemoine, Z. Altamimi, N. Capitaine, P. Exertier and D. Gambis) |
Interannual and Annual Variations in the Geopotential Observed Using SLR (C. Cox, B. Chao, A. Au) |
Atmospheric Loading "Blue-Sky" Effects on SLR Station Coordinates (T. Otsubo, T. Kubo-oka, T. Gotoh, R. Ichikawa) |
FTLRS Support to the Gavdos Project: Tracking and Positioning (P. Berio, P. Exertier, F. Pierron, J. Weick, D. Coulot, O. Laurain, P. Bonnefond, FTLRS laser staff) |
Gravity Model Comparisons Using SLR (R. Govind) (cancelled) |
Precision Orbit Determination of Low Altitude Lunar Spacecraft with Laser Systems (D. Smith, M. Zuber) |
Solar-System Dynamics and Tests of General Relativity with Planetary Laser Ranging (J. Chandler, M. Pearlman, R. Reasenberg, J. Degnan) |
Scientific Achievements, Applications, and Future Requirements (Posters) |
ROA: 250 years working in Astronomy and Geophysics (1753-2003) (F.J. Gonzalez, A. Pazos) |
ESA EO Envisat and Cryosat Missions Status (P. Féménias) |
NASA ICESat Mission Status (B. Schutz) |
The PASAGE Project. Astrometric Positioning of Geostacionary Satellites (T.L. Moratalla, C. Abad, F. Belizon, J.C. Coma, F.J. Montojo, J.L. Muiños, J. Palacio, M. Vallejo) |
Determination of the Site Position at the SLR Tracking Station (7824) at San Fernando, Spain (I. Vigo-Aguiar, J. Ferrándiz, J. Gárate, J. Martín Dávila, D. García) |
FTLRS Positioning for the EU/NASA Altimeter Calibration Project GAVDOS (E. Pavlis, S. Mertikas) |
Laser Ranging as a Precise Tool to Evaluate GNSS Orbital Solutions (G. Appleby, T. Otsubo) |
Seasonal effects on Laser, GPS and absolute Gravimetry vertical positioning at the OCA-CERGA geodetic station, Grasse (France) (J. Nicolas, J.M. Nocquet, M. Van Camp, J.P. Boy, J. Hinderer, M. Amalvict, P. Gegout, E. Calais, J.J. Walch) |
Earth Orientation Parameters from Satellite Laser Ranging (E. Pavlis) |
Time Series of Satellite Laser Ranging Station Position (D. Coulot, P. Berio, P. Exertier) |
Geoscience Australia Long Term SLR Series (R. Govind) (cancelled) |
The Laser Orbital Perturbation (M. El-Saftawy, M. Ibrahim) (cancelled) |
Proposed International Institute for Space Geodesy and Earth Observation (L. Combrinck) |

27.6 Mb |

10.4 Mb |
Zip archive of all files from Scientific
Achievements, Applications, and Future Requirements session |
Lunar Laser Ranging (Shelus, Mangin) |
MeO: The Future of the French Lunar Laser Ranging Station (E. Samain, G. Aridon, P. Exertier, J.F. Mangin, G.M. Lagarde, J.L. Oneto, J. Paris, F. Pierron, J.M. Torre) |
MeO Improvements for Lunokhod 1 Tracking (J.M. Torre,
M. Furia, J.F.Mangin, E. Samain) |
Lunar Ranging from Mount Stromlo (B. Greene, C.
Smith, Y. Gao, J. Cotter, C. Moore, J. Luck, I. Ritchie) |
Lunar Laser Ranging Science (J. Williams, D. Boggs, S. Turyshev, J.T. Ratcliff) |
Consolidated Laser Ranging Prediction Format: Implications for Lunar Laser Ranging (R. Ricklefs) |
The Apache Point Observatory Lunar Laser Ranging Operation (APOLLO) (T. Murphy) |

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1.3 Mb |
Zip archive of all files from Lunar Laser
Ranging session |
Improved and Upgraded Systems Posters (Combrinck, Schillak) |
The Performance of Changchun Satellite Laser Ranging Station (L. Chengzhi, Z. You, F. Cunbo, H. Xingwei, Z. Xinghua, S. Jianyong, Z. Haitao) |
Progress for Daylight Tracking in Changchun SLR System (Y. Zhao) |
New Drive and Servo-Control System of Kunming SLR Station (Z. Xiangming, J. Chongguo, X. Yaoheng, Z. Yuncheng, L. Zhulian, W. Hanping, F. Honglin) |
San Fernando SLR Status and Future Objectives (J. Garate,
J. Martin Davila, M. Quijano, C. Belza) |
San Fernando Baker-Nunn Camera Transformation (F.J. Montojo, J. Núñez, O. Fors, M. Merino, J.L. Muiños, F.Belizón, M. Vallejo, J.M. Codina) |
Modernization of the Borowiec SLR System (J. Bartoszak, S. Schillak) |
Laboratory Tests and Calibration on Chronometry for the French Transportable Laser Ranging Station (M. Pierron, D. Feraudy, M. Furia, F. Pierron, FTLRS laser staff) |
The Performance and Observation of Mobile System TROS-1 In China (G. Tangyong, T. Yechun, L. Cuixia, H. Shihua, L. Xin, W. Yinzhen) |
Indian Interest on SLR (K. Elango, P. Soma, S.K. Shivakumar) (cancelled) |
The Mount Stromlo Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) System Local Tie Connections Before and After the 2003 Destructive Canberra Fires (J. Dawson, G. Johnston, S. Naebkhil, R. Govind) |
SGF Herstmonceux: Current Status and Future Upgrades (G. Appleby, P. Gibbs, D. Benham, C. Potter, R. Sherwood, V. Smith, M. Wilkinson, I. Bayer) |
Current Status of San Juan SLR Station in Argentina (T. Wang, F. Qu, Z. Wei, N. Liu, B. Cheng, Q. Xiang, Y. Han, W. Liu) |
Self-Mixing Optical Doppler Radial Velocity Measurements & Laser
Link Budget: A Prospective Study (J.-L. Oneto) |
Status of the Russion Laser Tracking Network (M. Barshnicov,
V. Burmistrov, V. Vasiliev, V. Shargorodsky) |

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4.3 Mb |
Zip archive of all files from Improved
and Upgraded Systems session |
New Applications (Degnan, Fumin) |
Time Transfer by Laser Link T2l2 (M. Ravet, E. Samain,
R. Dalla, P. Aubry, J.M. Torre, J. Paris, J.F. Mangin,
G.M. Lagarde) |
Time Transfer by Laser Pulses between Ground Stations (Y. Fumin, Z. Zhongping, C. Wanzhen, L. Xin, C. Juping, W. Bin) |
SLR2000C: An Autonomous Satellite Laser Ranging and Space-To-Ground Optical Communications Facility (J. Degnan, A. Seas, H. Donovan, T. Zagwodzki) |
Technical Concept for a European Laser Altimeter for
Planetary Exploration (U. Schreiber, H. Michaelis, J. Oberst,
I. Leike, T. Spohn) |
Laser Altimeter For Planetary Exploration (I. Prochazka, K. Hamal) |
Scientific Applications of Planetary Laser Altimeter Radiometry (M. Zuber, D. Smith) |

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2.2 Mb |
Zip archive of all files from New Applications
session |
Atmospheric Correction and Multiwavelength Ranging (Luceri, Riepl) |
Two-Wavelength Satellite Laser Ranging Experiment at Shanghai Observatory (Z. Zhongping, Y. Fumin, H. Jingfu, C. Wanzhen, C. Juping, L. Rendong) |
Real-Time Separation Atmospheric Tip-Tilt Signal from Lunar Surface (X. Yaoheng, G. Rui) |
Effects of the Atmosphere on the SLR Precision (J. Mulacova, K. Hamal, G. Kirchner, F. Koidl) |
Atmospheric Contribution to the Laser Ranging Jitter (L. Kral, I. Prochazka, G. Kirchner, F. Koidl) |
The Correction of SLR Data by the Nonlinear Dispersion of the Refraction Index of the Air (Y. Galkin, S. Stryukov, R. Tatevyan) (cancelled) |
Multiwavelength Refraction Modeling Improvements for SLR Observations (G. Hulley, E. Pavlis, V. Mendes, D. Pavlis) |

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9.3 Mb |
Zip archive of all files from Atmospheric
Correction and Multiwavelength Ranging session |
System Calibration Techniques (Schreiber, Koidl) |
Five Target System Calibration (J.McK. Luck) |
New Internal Calibration Target at SGF Herstmonceux; Design and Results (D. Benham, P. Gibbs, V. Smith) |
MLRO Performance Characterization (G. Bianco, R. Sala, V. Luceri) |
Portable Pico Event Timer 2 Khz (K. Hamal, I. Prochazka) |
Tests of the Stability and Linearity of the A031et Event Timer at Graz Station (C. Selke, F. Koidl, G. Kirchner, L. Grunwaldt) |
Mount Model Stability (J.McK. Luck) |
Signal Strength Monitor for C-Spad Receiver (I. Prochazka, K. Hamal) |

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5.8 Mb |
Zip archive of all files from System Calibration
and Techniques session |
Engineering and QC Analysis (Noomen, Glotov) |
Numerical Noise in Satellite Laser Ranging Data Processing (I. Prochazka, G. Kirchner) |
Is Your Performance being Ruined by Interpolation Errors? (J.McK. Luck) |
Engineering Data File Processing and Distribution (K.
Salminsh) |
Herstmonceux Time Bias System as A Possible Real-Time QC Tool (I. Bayer, P. Gibbs, M. Wilkinson) |
Determination of the Station Coordinates for Quality Control of the Satellite Laser Ranging Data (S. Schillak) |
Results of the SLR Tracking Data Quality Control During the Operational Processing (H. Mueller) |
MCC Analysis Procedure of the SLR Data Quality and Stations
Performance (V. Glotov, N. Abylchatova, V. Mitrikas, M.
Zinkovskiy) |
18 Years of Q/C Analysis at Delft University Of Technology (R. Noomen) |

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Mb |
Zip archive of all files from Engineering
and QC Analysis session |
Automation and Control (McGarry, Gurtner) |
Ray Matrix Approach for the Real Time Control of SLR2000 Optical Elements (J. Degnan) |
Remote Operation of GUTS-SLR (M. Sawabe, T. Uchimura, S. Murata, Y. Matsuoka, T. Oldham, J. Maloney) |
Consolidated Laser Ranging Prediction Format: Field Tests (R. Ricklefs) |
Zimmerwald Remote Control By Internet And Cellular Phone (W. Gurtner) |

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Zip archive of all files from Automation
and Control session |
Targets, Signatures, and Biases (Appleby, Otsubo) |
Laser Retroreflector Array of Geostationary Satellite, ETS-VIII (M. Sawabe, T. Uchimura, A. Suzuki, H. Noda) |
Design of Laser Retro-Reflector Array and Laser Ranging Experiment for Shenzhou-IV Satellite (Y. Fumin, C. Wanzhen, Z. Zhongping, C. Juping, W. Yuanming) |
REFLECTOR, LARETS and METEOR-3M(1) what did we learn
from tracking campaign results
(V. Burmistrov, V. Vasiliev, N. Parkhomenko, V. Shargorodsky) |
A New Approach for Mission Design for Geodetic Satellites (M. Lara) |
Lageos' Asymmetric Reflectivity (D. Arnold, G. Appleby) |
Centre-of-Mass Correction Issues: Towards mm-Ranging
Accuracy (T. Otsubo, G. Appleby) |
Return Energy Estimates Derived from Normal Point and Full-Rate Laser Data (M. Wilkinson, G. Appleby) |
Centre-of-Mass Correction Issues: Determining Intensity Dependency at a Multi-Photon (Moblas-5) Station. (R. Carman, V. Noyes, T. Otsubo) |
Identifying Single Retro Tracks with a 2 Khz SLR System-Simulations
and Actual Results (D. Arnold, G. Kirchner, F. Koidl) |

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Mb |
Zip archive of all files from Targets,
Signatures, and Biases session |
Advanced Systems and Techniques (Pierron, Kunimori) |
The New Mount Stromlo SLR System (B. Greene,
C. Smith, Y. Gao, J. Cotter, C. Moore, R. Brunswick, C.
Burman) |
Overview of Guts SLR Station (M. Sawabe, T. Uchimura,
A. Suzuki, S. Murata, Y. Matsuoka, T. Oldham, J. Maloney) |
Early Satellite Tracking Results from SLR2000 (J. McGarry,
T. Zagwodzki, J. Degnan, P. Dunn, J. Cheek, D. Patterson,
H. Donovan, A. Mann, A. Mallama, R. Ricklefs) |
Graz KHz SLR System: Design, Experiences and Results
(G. Kirchner, F. Koidl) |
The SOS-W - A Two Colour Kilohertz SLR System (S. Riepl,
W. Schlüter, R. Dassing, K.-H. Haufe, N.
Brandl, P. Lauber, A. Neidhardt) |
A Compact, Totally Passive, Multi-Pass Slab Laser Amplifier
Based on Stable, Degenerate Optical Resonators (J. Degnan) |
Recent Achievements in Detectors for Eye Safe Laser Ranging
(I. Prochazka, K. Hamal) |
Advanced Techniques at the EOS Space Research Centre
(B. Greene, C. Smith, Y. Gao, J. Cotter, C. Moore, I.
Ritchie, C. Burman) |

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1.8 Mb |
Zip archive of all files from Advanced
Systems and Techniques session |
Operational Issues (Pearlman, Kirchner) |
Data Yield of the ILRS Global Network Over The Past Decade (E. Pavlis) |
The ILRS Report Card and Performance Charts (M. Torrence, V. Husson) |
Korea's First Satellite for Satellite Laser Ranging (J.H. Lee, S.B. Kim, K.H. Kim, S.H. Lee, Y.J. Im, Y. Fumin, C. Wanzhen) |
EUROLAS Real Time Status Exchange (W. Gurtner) |
CDDIS Archive Structure Supporting Laser Ranging Data and Products (C. Noll, M. Dube) |
ILRS Tracking Support of GP-B (P. Shelus) |
The MICROSCOPE Mission (R. Biancale) |
ALOS Overview: Time-restricted operation (H. Kunimori) |
Status of the NASA SLR Network (D. Carter) |
ILRS Mission Support (P. Shelus) |

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2.4 Mb |
Zip archive of all files from Operational
Issues session |
93 |
8 |
92 |
Totals: 100 Papers |

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43 Mb
Zip archive of all files from all sessions (by type) |