
ILRS Closed/Inactive Station Identification Table

Below is a table of past ILRS stations and occupations. The current list of active ILRS sites, engineering stations, and pre-ILRS stations are also available. Systems that are no longer active have been denoted in red and have two (**) at the end of the location names. Mobile occupations are denoted with one (*) at the end of the location name.

The table is sortable; click in the column header to sort.

Monument Code Location Name, Country CDDIS
DOMES Numbers
Site Log
Site Log
Site Log
Date of Latest
Site Log
Date of Latest
Site History Log
1831 LVIL Lviv, Ukraine 18318501 12368S001 X - - 20140113 -
1864 MAIL Maidanak 1, Uzbekistan 18645401 12340S002 - - - 20030513 -
1870 MDVL Mendeleevo 1, Russia 18706301 12309S001 X - - 20020509 -
7041 LLCD White Sands,New Mexico 70412101 49429S001 - - - 20130820 -
7080 MDOL McDonald Observatory, Texas 70802419 40442M006 X X - 2019010920191218
7130 GO4T Greenbelt, MD 71301403 40451M116 X X X 20051128 -
7210 HALL Haleakala, Hawaii** 72102313 40445M001 X - - 20020509 -
7231 WUHL Wuhan, China 72312901 21602S004 X - X 20020509 -
7308 KOGC Koganei, Japan(CRL) 73085001 21704S002 X X - 20021007 -
7328 KOGL Koganei, Japan 73287101 21704M001 X X - 20100831 -
7335 KASL Kashima, Japan** 73357201 21701M002 X X - 20020509 -
7337 MIUL Miura, Japan** 73377301 21739M001 - X - 20020509 -
7339 TATL Tateyama, Japan** 73397401 21740M001 - X - 20020509 -
7343 BEIT Beijing (TROS), China* 73438401 21601M002 X - - 20020509 -
7355 URUL Urumqi, China* 73558402 21612M002 X X - 20030420 -
7356 LHAL Lhasa, China* 73568401 21613M003 X - - 20020509 -
7357 BEIA Beijing-A, China 73578801 21601S005 X - - 20030320 -
7358 GMSL Tanegashima, Japan 73588901 21749M001 X - - 20190808  
7359 DAEK Daedeok, Republic of Korea 73592601 23902S002 X - - 20121022 -
7370 BURF Burnie, Tasmania (FTLRS)* 73706901 50186M001 - - - -
7405 CONL Concepcion, Chile 74057904 41719M001 X X - 20100929 -
7548 CGLL Cagliari, Italy** 75486201 12725S013 X - - 20020509 -
7594 WETT Wettzell, Germany (TIGO) 75947901 14201M200 X X - 20020509 -
7806 METL Metsahovi, Finland 78067601 10503S014 X X X 20171106 -
7816 UROL Stuttgart, Germany 78165202 10934S001 X X X 20190927 -
7820 KUNL Kunming, China 78208201 21609S002 X X - 20130914 -
7822 THTF Tahiti* 78226901 X - - 20110501 -
7823 SFEF San Fernando, Spain* 78236901 13402M005 X - - 20040610 -
7828 PARF Paris, France (FTLRS) 78286901 - X - - 20120329 -
7829 GRAF Grasse, France (FTLRS) 78296903 10002S017 X - - -
7830 CHAF Chania, Crete, Greece* 78306901 12617M002 X - - 20030401 -
7831 HLWL Helwan, Egypt 78314601 30101S001 - - - 20160727 -
7832 RIYL Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 78325501 20101S001 X - - 20020509 -
7835 GRSL Grasse, France (SLR) 78353102 10002S001 X - - 20020509 -
7836 POTL Potsdam, Germany 78365801 14106S009 X - - 20130905 -
7837 SHAL Shanghai, China 78372805 21605S001 X X - 20020509 -
7843 ORRL Orroral, Australia** 78432502 50103S007 - - - 20120329 -
7846 GRSF Grasse, France (FTLRS) ** 78466901 10002M004 X - - 20020509 -
7848 AJAF Ajaccio, France (FTLRS) 78486901 10077M002 X - - -
7849 STRL Mt Stromlo, Australia** 78498001 50119S001 X - X 20030310 -
7939 MATL Matera, Italy (SAO)** 79394101 12734S001 X - - 20020509 -


  • The Wuhan (7231) system moved above 20 km to a new location in early 2000. Last data from old location (7236) was September 1999.
  • TIGO relocated from Germany to S. America in 2001. TIGO's first pass from Concepcion, Chile was April 17, 2002
  • Orroral is closed. Last pass was 1 November 1998.
  • Last data from Miura (7337) was May 2000.
  • Last data from Cagliari (7548) was April 15, 2002.
  • Mt. Stromlo 7849 (STRL) was destroyed by fire in January 2003. The system was replaced by 7825 (STR3) in August 2004.
  • Last data from HOLLAS (7210) was June 7, 2004; TLRS-4 has moved to Haleakala in 2006.
  • UROL data were never received; UROL Station was dismantled in December, 2020