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Software provides a key element in the acquisition, reduction, and analysis of laser ranging data. Since so much time and effort has already been spent on creating software applicable to laser ranging, it is preferable to have the fruits of those labors be freely available when possible. Having a ready library of software will either spare builders of new stations the work of re-inventing the wheel or to at least provide a starting point from which to build something greater. Included below are links to software available on this and other web sites, to provide a central market of sorts for software of value to laser ranging. This software is generally free/open source, although it would be prudent to examine the licenses posted with the software before using it to insure abiding by its terms. In the spirit of the open source culture, please let us know how well this software meets your needs and provide any updates that would be useful for the laser ranging audience.
Software available through the ILRS website:
- Consolidated Prediction Format (CPF) Sample code: This code allows reading, writing, format checking, and converting the CPF files.
- Consolidated Laser Ranging Data format (CRD) Sample code: This code allows reading, writing, format checking, and converting the CRD format files.
- Eurostat station status software (AIUB)
- Refraction - BIPM - Updates to the IERS Conventions (2010): Chapter 9
- DISTRIB (link): This software computes various statistical information from a distribution of data.
- CRD data format and content checker (Web site, not source code)
- CPF data format and content checker (Web site, not source code)
- LLR (multi-format) data verification (Web site)
- Range residuals by orbit correction and normal point software - flow diagram | orbitNP_release_1.2.1.tar.gz
- MLRS Lunar Prediction, Filtering, and Normal Pointing Software
- Sun avoidance software for telescope tracking (TBD)
- Tracking Restriction software (TBD)
- Mount model solution software
Other ILRS-related software:
- JPL DE-xxx Solar Sytem Ephemeris code
- JPL DE-xxx Solar System Ephemeris (binary)
- JPL DE-xxx Solar System Ephemeris (ASCII)
- IERS conventions: algorithms and source code
- ADS-B based aircraft safety system: This example TCP/IP server code connects to the data stream of a SBS-3 ADS-B receiver to produce aircraft azimuths and elevations. The example client programs use the server data to display the nearby aircraft in a polar plot and to provide approaching aircraft alarms.
- Graz SAT Tracer software