ILRS Operations Centers

The Operations Centers are in direct contact with tracking sites organized in a subnetwork. Their tasks typically include the collection and merging of data from the subnetwork, initial data quality checks, data reformatting into a uniform format, compression of data files if requested, maintenance of a local archive of the tracking data, and the electronic transmission of data to a designated ILRS Data Center. Operations Centers may also provide the tracking sites with sustaining engineering, communications links, and other technical support. In addition, Operations Centers can perform limited services for the entire network. Individual tracking stations can also perform part or all of the tasks of an Operations Center themselves.

In August 2019, the ILRS OC at EDC and NASA's ILRS Data OC updated their data screening process in order to coordinate data quality control (QC) and provide feedback on data issues to the stations. A list of the new data QC to be implemented at the OCs (categorized as errors or warnings) is available.

There are two Operations Centers in the ILRS: The SLR Data Operations Center (SLR DOC) located at NASA GSFC (contact Jeffrey Dorman), and the EUROLAS Data Center (EDC) (contact Christian Schwatke).