
8th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation

Annapolis, MD USA
May 18-22, 1992

Proceedings Documentation:

  • Full proceedings document (PDF | 32.8 Mbytes)
  • Front matter (PDF | 0.2 Mbytes)
  • Back matter (PDF | 1.0 Mbytes)

Scientific Applications and Measurements Requirements (PDF | 2.3 Mbytes)

  • Dunn, P., Torrence, M., Pavlis, E., Kolenkiewicz, R., "Laser Tracking for Vertical Control ", p. 1-1
  • Massman, F-H., Reigber, Ch., Koenig, Raimondo, J.C., Rajasenan, C., Vei, M., "Laser Ranging Network Peiformance and Routine Orbit Determination at D-PAF", p. 1-19
  • Kunimori, H., Takahashi, F., Itabe, T., Yamamoto, A., "Laser Ranging Application to Time Transfer Using Geodetic Satellite and to Other Japanese Space Programs", p. 1- 36
  • Schutz, B.E., "Applications of SLR", p. 1-43

Timely Issues (PDF | 3.0 Mbytes)

  • Appleby, G.M., "Satellite Signatures in SLR Observations", p. 2-1
  • Kirchner, G., "Work at Graz on Satellite Signatures", p. 2-15
  • Dunn, P., Torrence, M., Husson. V., Pearlman, M., "The Precision of Today's Satellite Laser Ranging Sy.vtems", p. 2-23
  • Sinclair. A., "SLR Data Screening; Location of Peak of Data Distribution", p. 2-34
  • Paunonen, M., "Adaptive Median Filtering for Preprocessing of Time Series Measurements", p. 2-44
  • Bucey, S., "SATCOP Mission Planning Software Package", p. 2-51

Laser Technology (PDF | 1.0 Mbytes)

  • Dallas, J.L., Selker, M.D., "Nd: YLF Laser for Airborne/Spaceborne Laser Ranging", p. 3-1
  • Hamal, K., "Alternative Wavelengths for Laser Ranging", p. 3-7
  • Jelinkova,H., Hamal, K, Kubecek, V., Prochazka. I., "New Methods of Generation of Ultrashort Laser Pulses for Ranging", p. 3-9
  • Yang Xiangchun, Zhu Xiaolei, Wu Zhaoqing, Sun Zhan'ao, Yang Fu Min, Tan Detong, Xiao Chikun, Chen Wanshen, Lu Wenhu, "Simultaneously Compression of the Passively Mode-Locked Pulsewidth and Pulse Train", p. 3-15
  • Hamal, K., "An Improved Light Source for Laser Ranging", p. 3-19

Epoch and Event Timing (PDF | 0.4 Mbytes)

  • Selden, M., Varghese, T., Heinick, M., Oldham, T., "Preliminary Results from the Portable Standard Satellite Laser Ranging Intercomparison with MOBLAS-7", p. 4-1

Detector Technology (PDF | 2.7 Mbytes)

  • Cova, S., Lacaita, A., Ripamonti, G., "Performance Optimization of Detector Electronics for Millimeter Laser Ranging", p. 5-1
  • Zappa, F., Ripamonti, G., Lacaita, A., Cova, S., Samori, C., "Tracking Capabilities of SPADs for Laser Ranging", p. 5-19
  • Lacaita, A., Zappa, F., Cova, S., Ripamonti, G., Spinelli, A., "How to Squeeze High Quantum Efficiency and High Time Resolution out of a SPAD", p. 5-25
  • Prochazka, I., "The Solid State Detector Technology for Picosecond Laser Ranging", p. 5-31
  • Varghese, T., "Streak Camera Based SLR Receiver for Two Color Atmospheric Measurements", p. 5-36
  • Hamal, K., Prochazka, I., Kirchner, G., Koidl, F., "The First Satellite Laser Echoes Recorded on the Streak Camera", p. 5-47

Calibration Techniques/Targets (PDF | 2.9 Mbytes)

  • Sperber, P., Hauck, H., "Experience and Results of the 1991 MTLRS #1 USSR Campaign", p. 6-1
  • Mironov, N.T., Emetz. A.I., Zaharov, A.N., Tchebotarev, V.E., "ETALON-1, -2 Center of Mass Correction and Array Reflectivity", p. 6-9
  • Varghese, T., Selden, M., Oldham, T., Clarke, C., Zagwodski, T., "Test Results from LAGEOS-2 Optical Characterization Using Pulsed Lasers", p. 6-33
  • Varghese, T., "Analysis of TOPEX Laser Retroreflector Array Characteristics", p. 6-47
  • Husson. V. S., "Historical MOBLAS System Characterization", p. 6-59

Multiwavelength Ranging/Streak Cameras (PDF | 2.9 Mbytes)

  • Degnan, J., "Optimum Wavelengths for Two Color Ranging", p. 7-1
  • Zagwodski, T., Varghese, T., "Two Color Satellite Laser Ranging Upgrades at Goddard's 1. 2m Telescope Facility", p. 7-15
  • Schreiber, U., Haufe, K. H., Dassing, R., "Measuring Atmospheric Dispersion with WLRS in Multiple Wavelength Mode", p. 7-28
  • Degnan, J., "Millimeter Accuracy Satellites for Two Color Ranging", p. 7-36
  • Prochazka, I., Hamal, K., Jelinkova, H., Kirchner, G., Koidl, F., "Two Wavelength Satellite Laser Ranging Using SPAD", p. 7-52
  • Lund, G., "New Perspectives for High Accuracy SLR with Second Generation Geodesic Satellites" p. 7-56

SLR Data Analysis/Model Errors (PDF | 1.5 Mbytes)

  • Klosko, S., Smith, D., "State-of-the-Art Satellite Laser Range Modeling for Geodetic and Oceanographic Applications", p. 8-1
  • Conklin, B., Bucey, S., Husson, V., Decker, W., Degnan, J., " Geometric Analysis of Satellite Laser Ranging Data", p. 8-15
  • Kasser, M., "Improvement of SLR Accuracy, A Possible New Step", p. 8-23

Operational Software Developments (PDF | 2.8 Mbytes)

  • Koenig, R., Massmann, F-H., Raimindo, J.C., Rajasenan, C., Reigber, Ch., "On the Accuracy of ERS-1 Orbit Predictions", p. 9-1
  • Paunonen, M., "Compensation for the Distortion in Satellite Laser Range Predictions Due to Varying Pulse Travel Times", p. 9-9
  • Wood, R., Gibbs, P., "Timebias Corrections to Predictions", p. 9-13
  • Appleby, G.M., Sinclair, A., "Formation of On-Site Normal Points", p. 9-19
  • Ricklefs, R., Shelus, P., "Poisson Filtering of Laser Ranging Data", p. 9-26
  • Novotny, A., "Computer Networking at SLR Stations", p. 9-33
  • Ricklefs, R., Check, J., McGarry, J.F., "Upgrading NASA/DOSE Laser Ranging System Control Computers", p. 9-43
  • Edge, D., Emenheiser, K., Hanrahan, B., McCollums, D., Seery, P., Ricklefs, R., "HP Upgrade Operational Streamlining", p. 9-49
  • Detong, T., Zhongping, Z., Huaguan, X., Peizhang, J., "Application of the Robust Estimate in SLR Data Preprocessing", p. 9-57

Lunar Laser Ranging (PDF | 0.8 Mbytes)

  • Shelus, P. J., Whipple, A. L., Wiant, J.R., Ricklefs, R.L., Melsheimer, F.M., "A Computer-Controlled x-y Offset Guiding Stage for the MLRS", p. 10-1
  • Ricklefs, R.L., Reis, J.G., "Lunar Laser Ranging Data Processing in a UnixiX Windows Environment", p. 10-6
  • Schreiber, U., Mueller, J., Dassing, R., Brandl, N., Haufe, K.H., Herold, G., Kahn, R., Roettcher, K., Stoeger, R., "LLR-Activities in Wettzell", p. 10-14

Fixed Station Upgrades/Developments (PDF | 3.0 Mbytes)

  • Varghese, T., Decker, W., Bianco, G., "Matera Laser Ranging Observatory (MLRO); An Overview", p. 11-1
  • Luck, J., McK., "Performance of the Upgraded Orroral Laser Ranging System", p. 11-6
  • Kirchner, G., Koidl, F., "SUB-CM Ranging and Other Improvements in Graz", p. 11-31
  • Schillak, S., Butkiewicz, E., Wiktorowski, J., "Upgrading of the Borowiec Laser Station", p. 11-37
  • Yang, F. M., Tan, D.T., Xiao, C.K., Chen, W.Z., Zhang, J.H., Zhang, Z.P., Lu, W.H., Hu, Z.Q., Tang, W.F., Chen, J.P., "Development of Shanghai Satellite Laser Ranging Station", p. 11-44
  • Dassing, R., Schlueter, W., Schreiber, U., "Status-Report on WLRS", p. 11-51
  • Gilbreath, G.C., Newby, H.D., "Ground Based Laser Ranging for Satellite Location", p. 11-54
  • Xia Zhihong, Ye Wenwei, Cai Qingfu, "New Progress of Ranging Technology at Wuhan Satellite Laser Ranging Station", p. 11-60

Mobile System Upgrades/Developments (PDF | 1.7 Mbytes)

  • Eichinger, R., Cheng, G., Crawford, B., Cresswell, D., Crooks, H., Donovan, B., Edge, D., Emenheiser, K., Hanrahan, B., Heinick, M., Hopke, H., Husson, V., Johnson, T., Levy, M., Malitson, P., McCollums, D., Murdoch, A., Oldham, T., Patterson, D., Seery, P., Selden, M., Steggerda, C., Varghese, T., Wetzel, S., Wheeler, A., "TLRS-3 System Upgrades", p. 12-1
  • Sperber, P., Amberg, L., Beyer, L., Blenski, G., Etling, W., Hessels, U., Motz, R., "Results of the MTLRS-1 Upgrade", p. 12-17
  • Sperber, P., Hessels, Motz, R., Guether, H-M., "The new MTLRS#1 Receiving System", p. 12-26
  • Sperber, P., Hessels, Motz, R., Beek, W., Offierski, J.W., van Es, C., "The new MTLRS Transmitting System", p. 12-33
  • Vermaat, E., Offierski, J.W., Otten, K.H., Beek, W., van Es, C., Sperber, P., "Transputer Based Control System for MTLRS", p. 12-40

Airborne and Spaceborne Systems (PDF | 4.6 Mbytes)

  • Millar, P. S., Abshire, J.B., McGarry, J.F., Zagwodzki, T., W., Pacini, L.K., "Airborne 2 Color Ranging Experiment", p. 13-1
  • Lund, G., "GLRS 2-Colour Retro reflector Target Design and Predicted Performance", p. 13-17
  • Churnside, J, H., "Effects of Turbulence on the Geodynamic Laser Ranging System", p. 13-33
  • Johnson, B.L. et. al., "Development of the Mars Observer Laser Altimeter (MOLA)", p. 13-49
  • Smith, J.C., Elman, G.C., Christian, K.D., Cavanaugh, J.F., Ramos-Izquierdo, L., Hopf, D.E., "Bench Checkout Equipment for Spaceborne Laser Altimeter Systems", p. 13-52
  • Prochazka, I., Hamal, K., Sopko, B., Pershin, S., "Mars Laser Altimeter Based on a Single Photon Ranging Technique", p. 13-74
  • Bufton, J., "Multi-Beam Laser Altimeter", p. 13-78

Poster Presentations (PDF | 1.7 Mbytes)

  • Cech, M., Hamal, K., Jelinkova, H., Novotny, A., Prochazka, I., Baghos, B.B., Helali, Y., Tawadros, M.J., "Satellite Laser Station Helwan Status 1992", p. 14-1
  • Eichinger, R., Johnson, T., Malitson, P., Oldham, T., Stewart, L., "Optical Attenuation Mechanism Upgrades, MOBLAS and TLRS Systems", p. 14-2
  • Fischer, H., Grunwaldt, L., Neubert, R., "The Third Generation SLR Station Potsdam No. 7836", p. 14-14
  • Varghese, T., Selden, M., Oldham, T., "Performance Comparison of High Speed Microchannel Plate Photomultiplier Tubes", p. 14-20
  • McGarry, J.F., Cheek, J. W., Chabot, R. S., "Station Report on the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) 1.2 Meter Telescope", p. 14-29