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4th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation

Austin, TX USA
October 12-16, 1981

Proceedings Documentation:

  • General Session:
    • Full session document (Part 1, pages i-312): (PDF | 10.8 Mbytes)
    • Full session document (Part 2, pages 313-A-88): (PDF | 9.3 Mbytes)
    • Pages i-64 (PDF | 2.3 Mbytes)
    • Pages 65-135 (PDF | 1.7 Mbytes)
    • Pages 136-187 (PDF | 1.4 Mbytes)
    • Pages 188-250 (PDF | 2.9 Mbytes)
    • Pages 251-312 (PDF | 2.5 Mbytes)
    • Pages 313-382 (PDF | 2.3 Mbytes)
    • Pages 383-483 (PDF | 3.2 Mbytes)
    • Pages 484-582 (PDF | 2.8 Mbytes)
    • Pages A-1-A-88 (PDF | 1.0 Mbytes)
  • Software Session:
    • Full session document: (PDF | 9.7 Mbytes)
    • Pages i-48 (PDF | 1.2 Mbytes)
    • Pages 49-140 (PDF | 2.6 Mbytes)
    • Pages 141-238 (PDF | 2.6 Mbytes)
    • Pages 239-330 (PDF | 2.3 Mbytes)
    • Pages 331-376 (PDF | 1.0 Mbytes)

General Session

  • Silverberg, E. C., "Progress Since 1978; A Representative Overview", p. 1
  • Degnan. J., and Adelman, A., "Upgrade and Integration of the NASA Laser", p. 2
  • Dixit, P. S., Rao, P. K., Ranga Rao, R., Gopalakrishnan, K., Rao, K. N., Schillak, S., Kielek, W., Abele, H., "Performance and Results of Satellite Ranging Laser Station at Kavalur, India in 1980-81", p. 12
  • Hamal, K., Jelinkova, H., Novotny, A., Prochazka, I., Cech, H., "Interkosmos Second Generation Satellite Laser Radar", p. 26
  • Kozai, Y., "Laser Ranging Systems in the Far East Area", p. 31
  • Paunonen, M., "Metsahovi Satellite Laser Ranging Station", p. 33
  • Pearlman, M. R., Lanham, N., Wohn, J., Thorp, J., "Current Status and Upgrading of the SAO Laser Ranging Systems", p. 43
  • Silverberg, E. C., "The TLRS and the Change in Mobile Station Design since 1978", p. 59
  • Yang F-M., "Satellite Laser Ranging Work at Shanghai Observatory", p.65
  • Gambis, D., "Satellite Laser Tracking. Construction of Normal Points", p. 80
  • Latimer, J. H., Hills, D. M., Vrtilek, S. D., Chaiken, A., Arnold, D. A., Pearlman, M. R., "An Evaluation and Upgrading of the SAO Prediction Technique", p. 94
  • Latimer, J. H., Thorp, J. M., Hanlon, D. R., Gullahorn, G. E., "A Review of Network Data Handling Procedures", p. 107
  • Morrison, D. W., "Ideas on Feedback in Satellite Ranging Systems", p. 136
  • Schutz, B. E., Tapley, B. D., Eanes, R. J., Cuthbertson, B., "LAGEOS Ephemeris Predictions", p.145
  • Vermaat, E., "Practical Aspects of On-Site Prediction", p. 172
  • Kozai, Y., "Latest Trends in Optics and Mount Development ", p. 188
  • Bourdet, H., Dumoulin, C., "Description of the 1,5 in Telescope Realized by INAG for the CERGA Lunar Laser Ranging System", p. 190
  • Economou, G., Snyder, S., "Satellite Ranging Mount System (Half Meter Aperture)", p. 202
  • Visser, H., Zeeman, F. W., "Mount and Telescope for the German/Dutch Mobile System",p. 214
  • Bowman, S. R., Cao, W. L., Degnan, J. J., Alley, C.O., Zhang, N. Z., Steggenda, C., "The New University of Maryland Laser", p. 225
  • Degnan, J. J., Zagwodzki, T. W., "A Comparative Study of Several Transmitter Types for Precise Laser Ranging", p. 241
  • Hyde, R. L., Whitehead, D. G.,"Some Problems of Short Pulse, Low Energy, High Repetition Rate Lasers Applied to Satellite Ranging Systems", p. 251
  • Ireland, C., M., Hall, D. R., Hyde, R. L., "The UK SLR System Laser", p. 263
  • Jelinkova, H., "Constant Gain Pulse Forming Laser", p. 271
  • Puell, H., "Subnanosecond Lasers for Satellite Ranging", p. 277
  • Greene, B. A., "LLR Target Acquisition", p. 285
  • Mangin, J. F., Dumoulin, Ch., Torre, J. M., Sagnier, J. L., Kovalevsky, J., Feraudy, D., " Description and First Results of the CERGA Lunar Laser Station", p. 291
  • Shelus, P. J., Silverberg, E. C., "McDonald Laser Ranging Operations Past, Present and Future", p.
  • Torre, J. M., Kovalevsky, J., "General Hardware/Software Organization", p. 305
  • Williams, J. G., "Lunar And Planetary Ephemerides: Accuracy Inertial Frames and Zero Points", p. 309
  • Mangin, J. F., "The Laser and the Calibration of the CERGA Lunar Ranging System", p. 313
  • Pearlman, M. R., Lanham, N., Thorp, J., Wohn, J., "SAO Calibration Techniques", p. 323
  • Silverberg, E. C., "The Feedback Calibration of the TLRS Ranging System", p. 331
  • Oaks, O. J., Buisson, J. A., Wardrip, S. C., "GPS Time Transfer Receiver for the NASA Transportable Laser Ranging Network", p. 338
  • Rueger, L., "Transit/Nova System World-Wide Time Dissemination: Potential Capability", p. 376
  • Serene, B.E.H., "The Laser Stations For The SIRIO-2 I.ASSO Experiment", p. 383
  • Abshire, J. B., "Comparison of Measured and Theoretical Performance of a Maximum Likelihood Laser Ranging Receiver", p. 399
  • Assus, P., "Atmospheric Turbulence Effects on Laser Ranging Experiments", p. 411
  • Cain, P. S., Hall, Q. R., Hyde, R. I., Whitehead, D. G., "A Receiver Package for the UK Satellite Laser Ranging System", p. 415
  • Kielek, W., Jastrzebski, A., Hamal, K., "Digital vs. Analog Received Signal Processing Results in 4 nn Pulse Laser Radar", p. 418
  • Kielek, W., Hamal, K., Schillak, S., "Comments about Received Energy Fluctuations", p. 426
  • Paunonen, M. V., "Use of Approximated Matched Filtering and Photon Counting in Satellite Laser Ranging", p. 431
  • Visser, H., Zeeman, F. W., "Detection Package for the German/Dutch Mobile System", p. 440
  • Degnan, J. J., "Airborne Laser Ranging System for Rapid Large Area Geodetic Surveys", p. 447
  • Hall, D. R.., "Satellite Laser Ranging at 10 Micron Wavelength", p. 455
  • Kirchner, G., "The Laser Ranging System Graz-Lustbilhet, Austria", p. 463
  • Wilson. P., "The German/Dutch Mobile Laser Ranging System", p. 468
  • Grumwaldt, L., Neubert, R., Fischer, H., Stecher, R., "First Satellite Ranging Results Using a Dual Pulse Ruby Laser", p. 484
  • Hall, D. R., Amess, C., Parker, N., "A Laser Lock-Out System Using X-Band Radar", p. 488
  • Masters, E. G., Hirsch, B., Stolz, A., "A Filter For Lageos Laser Range Data", p. 495
  • Bender, P. L., "Scientific Goals of Laser Range Measurements", p. 502
  • Wilson, P., "Status of the Networks for Global and Regional Laser Ranging", p. 512
  • Tapley, B. D., Schutz, B. E., Eanes, R. J., "A Critical Analysis of Satellite Laser Ranging Data", p. 523
  • Pearlman, M. R., Some Current Issues in Satellite Laser Ranging", p. 568

Software Session

  • Heald, R. W., Ricklefs, R. L., "TLRS: A Data General NOVA-based Ranging System", p. 3
  • Hirayama, T., Kanda, T., "Telescope Control and Data Handling at Dodaira Station", p 11
  • Kirschner, G., Pesec, P., "HP-Based Ranging System Software for Gras-Lustbuhel", p. 41
  • Morrison, D. W., "An Overview of a DEC-Based Satellite Ranging System", p. 49
  • Neubert, R., "HP9825D-Based Software System for Laser Radar", p. 77
  • Novotny, A., Prochazka, I., "Software Package for Station SAO No. 7831", p. 89
  • Otten, K. H., "Multiprocessor-Based Mobile System Software Design", p. 111
  • Schillak, S., Wnuk, E., "Preliminary Data Handling at Borowiec", p. 121
  • Cuthbertson, B. D., "Ephemeris Reconstruction Software", p. 143
  • Kovalevsky, J., Lengelle, S., "Real-Time Data and Quick-look for the CERGA LLR System", p. 151
  • Latimer, J., "SAO Prediction and Date Review Algorithms", p. 169
  • Morgan, P. J., King, R. V., "The M.I.T. Lunar and Planetary Ephemeris", p. 239
  • Rayner, J., "A Real Time Display for Satellite Ranging", p. 275
  • Ricklefs, R. L., "Orienting a Transportable Alt-Azimuth Telescope", p. 289
  • Ricklefs, R. L., "JPL Ephemeris Implemented on a DG NOVA Computer", p. 331.
  • Vermaat, E., "On-Site Integration of Starlette in a Taylored Field", p. 367