

The Urgent mail exploder is used by mission control centers or prediction centers to inform station operators about any urgent matters concerning the tracking of their respective satellites (e.g., modification of tracking priorities, information about satellites with unusually large time biases, attitude problems of satellites, upcoming maneuvers, tracking information after the launch of new satellites). URGENT was proposed by Werner Gurtner and Carey Noll to the ILRS via SLRMail 0645 on 16 August 2000.

For more information about URGENT read SLRMail 0645, SLRMail 0662, SLRMail 1116, and SLRMail 1121.

The rules to use this email service are as follows:

  • Mail your message slr-urgent.dgfi @ tum.de with URGENT MAIL in the subject line (address not case sensitive, i.e., upper or lower case permitted). The message is automatically and immediately distributed to all addresses in the URGENT mailing list.
  • The subject line MUST include the word URGENT MAIL (all caps).
  • Do not send file attachments, only ASCII messages and please do not reply.
  • If there is more than one addressee, please make slr-urgent.dgfi @ tum.de the first addressee in the To: field .
  • To subscribe or unsubscribe from the mail service or to change your address please send an email to Claudia Carabajal (Claudia.C.Carabajal @ nasa.gov).