ILRS Site Logs

The ILRS site logs contain descriptions of an SLR system occupation at a given site. These site logs contain critical information about the configuration of SLR stations, e.g., contact, location, equipment (telescope, laser, receiver), etc. Station personnel must update and modify these logs whenever system parameters or other information referenced in the form have changed. Thus the form also serves as a historical collection of major changes during the lifetime of an SLR system and/or its site occupation.

In 2017, the Data Formats and Procedures Standing Committee (DFPSC), the Networks and Engineering Standing Committee (NESC), and the ILRS Central Bureau (CB) developed an updated site log format (version 2) which includes much-needed content revisions and extensions. In conjunction with the site log format revision, the submission/update procedure was changed from an e-mail submission to an online site log management system through the EDC website. The new system contains an immediate format check for station managers when updating their site logs online. Approved site logs are then released into the EDC archive and sent to CDDIS for availability there and incorporation into the ILRS website.

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