Seventeenth International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation

Bad Koetzting, Germany
May 16-20, 2011

Session 1: Science Session

  • LARETS Laser Relativity Satellite, I. Ciufolini, A. Paolozzi, E. Pavlis, R. Koenig, J. Ries, R. Matzner, D. Arnold, R. Neubert, H. Neumayer, D. Rubincam, G. Sindoni, V. Slabinski, C. Paris, M. Ramiconi, D. Spano and C. Vendittozzi
  • Benefits of SLR in epoch reference frames, Mathis Bloßfeld, Horst Müller, Detlef Angermann
  • The SLR monitoring crustal movement in South America, Yin Zhiqiang, Han Yanben, R.Podesta, Liu Weidong, A. Pacheco, A.Ester
  • Assessment on the non gravitational forces acting on the Lageos satellites, Florent Deleflie, Jean-Michel Lemoine, Gilles Metris, and François Barlier
  • Constraining spacetime torsion with Lunar Laser Ranging, Mercury Radar Ranging, LAGEOS, next lunar surface missions and BepiColombo, R. March, G. Bellettini, R. Tauraso, S. Dell’Agnello
  • On the Calibration of TanDEM-X Precise Baselines via SLR, R. Koenig, Y. Moon, L. Grunwaldt
  • The Global Geodetic Observing System: Space Geodesy Networks for the Future, Michael Pearlman, Erricos Pavlis, Zuheir Altamini, and Carey Noll
  • The Vector Approach to the Problem of Physical Libration of the Moon: the Linearized Problem, Kondratyev Boris Petrovich
  • New version of EPM –ERA Lunar theory, Krasinsky G.A.,Prokhorenko S.O., Yagudina E.I.

Session 2: Operations: Spatial and Temporal Coverage

  • Introduction: Where do we stand and what do we need? Michael Pearlman
  • Statistical Analysis of SLR tracking in 20xx Horst Mueller
  • The Contribution of Korean Side to the International Laser Ranging Service Jong Uk Park, Hyung-Chul Lim, Sungki Cho and Jae-Cheol Yoon
  • Current situation and future of cooperative San Juan SLR station between Chinese- Argentinean Liu Weidong et al.
  • Hazards and Risk @ SLR Network, A Preliminary Overview, Jorge del Pino

Session 3: Atmospheric Refraction Correction: Hardware and Modeling

  • Introduction: Multi Color Laser Ranging for Refraction Remote Sensing, E.Pavlis, S.Riepl
  • Atmospheric range correction for two-frequency SLR measurements, Dudy D. Wijaya and Fritz K. Brunner
  • Atmospheric Refraction Correction Using Multiple Wavelength Laser Ranging, Ben Greene, Craig Smith, Jizhang Sang and Nasr A. Al-Sahhaf
  • The Photoconductive Antenna - A new device for Spacegeodetic Applications, S.Riepl, Christian Plötz, Reinhard Zeitlhöfler, Axel Nothnagel
  • Multi Color Activities at 7405, M. Häfner

Session 4: SLR Techniques

  • Co-optical Path KHz SLR, Li Zhulian,Fu Honglin,Zheng Xiangming, He Shaohui, Xiong Yaoheng,Li Rongwang
  • Experimental Laser System for Monitoring of GLONASS Time/Frequency Synchronization, V.L. Moshkov, M.A. Sadovnikov, A.A. Fedotov and V.D. Shargorodsky
  • Graz 10 kHz SLR, Georg Kirchner, Franz Koidl, Farhat Iqbal
  • High-energy picosecond laser systems between 10 Hz and 2 kHz for next-generation laser ranging, M. Schmidt, N. Graf, H. Huber,R. Kelnberger, J. Aus der Au
  • New KHz-capable SLR software in Metsähovi, Arsov K

Session 6: Modeling and Bias issues

  • Introduction: Introduction to Modeling and Bias Issues, Toshi Otsubo
  • Improvements in Understanding Systematic Effects in Laser Ranging Observations, Graham Appleby, Vincenza Luceri and Toshimichi Otsubo
  • Improving ILRS products after an in-depth characterization of station biases, V. Luceri, G. Bianco, C. Sciarretta
  • GNSS satellites as co-locations for a combined GNSS and SLR analysis, D. Thaller, K. Sosnica, R. Dach, A. Jäggi, G. Beutler, M. Mareyen, B. Richter
  • Spin of Ajisai: influence of Solar Irradiation on the spin period and precession of the spin axis measured by the Graz 2kHz SLR system, Daniel Kucharski, Georg Kirchner, Toshimichi Otsubo, Franz Koidl, Mihoko Kobayashi
  • A New Approach for the Spin Axis Determination of LAGEOS, D. G. Currie
  • BLITS: spin parameters and its optical response measured by the Graz 2 kHz SLR system Daniel Kucharski, Georg Kirchner, Hyung-Chul Lim, Franz Koidl

Session 7: Improving Ranging Accuracy, Calibration and Local Ties I

  • Introduction: Improving Ranging Accuracy and Calibration, I. Prochazka
  • ILRS Standardization of Hardware, Software, and Procedures, Randall L. Ricklefs
  • Event Timer A033-ET: Curent State and Typical Performance Characteristics, Vedin Vadim, co-autors: Artyukh Yu., Bespal’ko V., Boole E.
  • Main Directions of Riga Event Timer Development and Current Results, Boole Eugene, co-autors: Artyukh Yu., Bespal’ko V., Stepin V., Stepin D., Vedin V.

Session 8: Improving Ranging Accuracy, Calibration and Local Ties II

  • New technologies for sub – millimeter laser ranging, Ivan Prochazka, Jan Kodet, Josef Blazej, Petr Panek
  • Statistical studies of the calibration of the Helwan-SLR, Makram Ibrahim
  • Local Ties at the Geodetic Observatory Wettzell, Thomas Kluegel, Swetlana Maehler, Christian Schade
  • Ground survey at Space Geodesy site, Sten Bergstrand

Session 9: Introduction to the Observatory Excursion

  • Recent Progress in Sagnac Interferometry, Robert Hurst (Univ. of Canterbury, Christchurch, NZ)
  • Introduction to the VLBI 2010 TWIN Telescopes, Gerhard Kronschnabl (Bundesamt fuer Kartographie und Geodaesie)

Session 10: Improving support for GNSS and other challenging missions

  • Introduction: Beam Divergence: Introduction, results of measurements, M. Davis
  • Tracking many GNSS targets: Introduction for GNSS problems, M. Wilkinson
  • Measuring sub-mm range differences caused by polarization effects, Georg Kirchner, Franz Koidl
  • The achievements of the dedicated Compass SLR system with 1m aperture telescope: GEO satellite daylight tracking and laser time transfer (LTT) Zhang Zhongping, Yang Fumin, Zhang Haifeng, Meng Wendong,Chen, Juping, Chen Wenzhen, Wu Zhibo
  • Comparative verification of return rate on GNSS LRA, Shinichi Nakamura, Ryo Nakamura, Takahiro Inoue, Hiroyuki Noda, and Motohisa Kishimoto
  • Improvements at NASA's NGSLR in support of GNSS ranging, Jan McGarry, Thomas Zagwodzki
  • Direction of the Light Deviation Vector during Satellite Laser Ranging, Yuriy V. Ignatenko, Vladimir M. Tryapitsyn, Andriy A. Makeyev, Igor Yu. Ignatenko
  • Polarisation at SGF, Herstmonceux, Matthew Wilkinson, Toby Shoobridge

Session 11: Satellite Subsystems: Retroreflector Arrays

  • Introduction: Retroreflector and its Array, Toshimichi Otsubo
  • Design of LRA for Compass GEO and IGSO satellites and observations, Chen Wanzhen,Yang Fumin,Zhang Zhongping,Wang Yuanming,Li Pu
  • GNSS array performance prediction using ZEMAX, Mark Davis
  • Considerations for the next GNSS Array, Scott Wetzel, Ed Aaron
  • ETRUSCO-2: an ASI-INFN Project of Development and SCF-Test of GNSS Retroreflector Arrays (GRA) for Galileo and the GPS-3, S. Dell'Agnello, G. O. Delle Monache, D. G. Currie, R. Vittori, C. Cantone, M. Garattini, A. Boni, M. Martini, C. Lops, N. Intaglietta, R. Tauraso, D. A. Arnold, M. R. Pearlman, G. Bianco et al
  • SCF-Test of the NASA-GSFC "LAGEOS Sector" and of a Hollow Retroreflector, A. Boni, S. Berardi, M. Maiello, M. Garattini, S. Dell'Agnello, G. O. Delle Monache, C. Lops, C. Cantone, N. Intaglietta, J. F. McGarry, M. R. Pearlman, D. A. Arnold, T. W. Zagwodzki
  • Far-field diffraction pattern analysis of cube corner reflectors, A.L.Sokolov, M.A.Sadovnikov, V.D.Shargorodsky, V.P.Vasiliev
  • Single Open Reflector for MEO/GNSS Type Satellites. A Status Report, Reinhart Neubert, Ludwig Grunwaldt, Christian Schopf, Engelbert Hofbauer, Jost Munder, Mark Herding, Rolf Sand
  • BLITS: The first autonomous zero-signature satellite in orbit, V.P. Vasiliev,V.D. Shargorodskiy, N.N. Parkhomenko

Session 12: Interaction Between Data-User and Stations

  • Introduction: "Setting the Stage", Ludwig Combrinck
  • The estimation of the SLR data by analysis centers and possibility of closely cooperation between stations and analysts, Stanislaw Schillak
  • New performance assessment for laser ranging stations, Toshimichi Otsubo, Mihoko Kobayashi
  • Measures of Network Performance, P. Dunn, M. Torrence
  • A Second Look at Engineering Data Files, K.Salminsh

Session 13: New Laser Ranging Technologies and Capabilities that must be developed to support future missions

  • Introduction: Introduction to Two-Way Transponder Technique for Ranging and Time Transfer, J. Degnan
  • Introduction to One-Way Ranging Technique, E. Samain
  • The first ILRS transponder laser ranging mission: LR to NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), J. McGarry
  • Laser Ranging Experiment on Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter: Timing Determination and Orbit Constraints, Dandan Mao, David D. Rowlands, Jan F. McGarry, Maria T. Zuber, David E. Smith, Mark H. Torrence, Gregory A. Neumann, Erwan M. Mazarico,James Golder, Xiaoli Sun, Thomas W. Zagwodzki, John F. Cavanaugh
  • Simulation of Two-Way Laser Transponder Links – The Wettzell Experience, U. Schreiber, H. Michaelis
  • GETEMME – An ESA Mission Proposal to Explore the Martian Satellites and the Fundamentals of Solar System Physics J. Oberst et al.
  • The European Laser Timing Experiment (ELT) and Data Centre (ELT-DC), Schlicht A., Schreiber U., Prochazka I.
  • Simulation of optical response for next-generation single-reflector LLR targets, Toshimichi Otsubo, Hiroo Kunimori, Hirotomo Noda, Hideo Hanada, Hiroshi Araki

Session 14: Lunar Laser Ranging

  • Introduction: LLR – Challenges and Achievements, J. Müller
  • Recent progress at APOLLO, T. Murphy
  • Lunar Laser Ranging Retroreflector for the 21st Century, D. G. Currie, S. Dell'Agnello & G. O. Delle Monache
  • Development of pulse detection IC for LIDAR on planetary lander, Takahide MIZUNO, Hirokazu IKEDA, Kousuke KAWAHARA
  • Ground Stations for the Next Generation Lunar Retroreflectors, D. G. Currie
  • Lunar Laser Ranging: Two Tools for assisting observers, Sebastian Bouquillon et al.

Session 15: In-Sky Laser Safety

  • Introduction: What are stations doing and what should we be doing?, H. Donovan, G. Appleby, F. Pierron
  • Ranging Jason2 from Paris Observatory for Time transfer experiment in summer 2010, operations and security achievements, F. Pierron
  • Implementation of the LASER Traffic Control System at the Haleakala Observatories, D. O'Gara, E. Kiernan-Olson, C. Giebink, D. Summers
  • Skyguide and Flarm - 2 in-sky-laser-safety systems used at Zimmerwald, Martin Ploner, Adrian Jaeggi, Johannes Utzinger
  • Aircraft transponder paper, M. Ettl. J. Eckl, ...
  • Air traffic patterns near SLR site Riga and In-Sky laser safety, K.Salminsh

Session 16: System Automation

  • SLR Station Automation - Factors to Consider, Chris Moore
  • Automation and remote control as new challenges on the way to GGOS, Alexander Neidhardt,
  • Automated Data Management of SLR Data and Products at the EUROLAS Data Center (EDC), C. Schwatke
  • Controlling Laser Ranging with RTAI-based Real-Time Linux, Evan Hoffman, R. Rickleffs
  • SLR Automation for the New Space Geodesy Multi-Technique Sites, J. McGarry et al.
  • SLR-2.0: An overview about the new SLR/LLR Control software from Wettzell, Martin Ettl, Alexander Neidhardt, Pierre Lauber, Johann Eckl, Martin Riederer, Lea Schreiber, Andreas Leidig, Reiner Dassing


  • Recent Satellite laser ranging from Helwan-SLR station, Makram Ibrahim, Khalil I. Khalil, and A. T. Roman
  • Testing a Phillips 7186 16 Channel Time to Digital Converter, Jerry R. Wiant, Randy L. Ricklefs, Judit Gyorgyey Ries, Peter J. Shelus
  • On use of Starlette and Stella laser measurements in determination of SLR stations coordinates and Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP), Bachir GOURINE
  • Adjustment of EOP and gravity field parameters from SLR observations, Mathis Bloßfeld, Horst Müller, Detlef Angermann
  • The Eurolas Data Center (EDC) - Status Report 2009-2011, C. Schwatke, B. Forberg
  • Validation and estimation of low-degree gravity field coefficients using LAGEOS, A. Jäggi, K. Sosnica, D. Thaller, G. Beutler
  • Fulfillment of KHz SLR daylight tracking of Changchun station, Han Xingwei, Zhang Ziang, Song Qinli, Zhang Haitao, Shi Jianyong
  • Progress in KHz SLR and Daylight tacking at Changchun Station, Liu Chengzhi, Han Xingwei, Fan Cunbo, Zhang Ziang, Song Qingl
  • Experimental Daylight visibility of KHz Laser Beam, Han Xingwei, Zhang Ziang, Song Qingli, Zhang Haita
  • Software Design and Development Status of ARGO-M Operation System, Yoon-Kyung Seo, Hyung-Chul Lim, Eun-Seo Park, Jong-Uk Park, Seung-Cheol Bang, Jin-Young Lee, Sung-Yeol Yu, Dong-Young Rew, Cheong Youn
  • Status and Progress of Korean SLR Program, ARGO, Hyung-Chul Lim, Eunseo Park, Yoon-Kyung Seo, Seung-Cheol Bang, Seong-Yeol Yu, Jin-Young Lee, Kwang Dong Kim, Jakyoung Nah, Jeong Gyun JangJong- Uk Park
  • Configuration of ARGO-M Optoelectronic Subsystem and its Performance Experiments, Seung-Cheol Bang, Seong-Yeol Yu, Nung-hyun Ka, Yoon-Kyung Seo, Eun-Seo Park, Jin-Young Lee, Hyung-Chul Lim, JongUk-Park
  • New fpga based SLR controller in Metsähovi, Arsov K. Wagner J.
  • LAGEOS-ETALON solutions using the Bernese Software, D. Thaller, K. Sosnica, R. Dach, A. Jäggi, G. Beutler
  • A Preliminary Research of Precise Orbital and Geodetic Parameter Estimation System Using SLR Data, Eunseo Park, Young-Rok Kim, Hyung-Chul Lim, Sang-Young Park
  • SLR station renovation in Metsähovi, Arsov K. Poutanen M. Raja-Halli A. Näränen J.
  • Container and Dome Development Status of Korean Mobile SLR System, Sung-Yeol Yu, Hyung-Chul Lim, Eunseo Park, Seung-Cheol Bang, Yoon-Kyung Seo
  • Method of comparison laser locator with standard of length, Igor Yu. Ignatenko
  • Positioning of the French Transportable Laser Ranging Station (FTLRS) over the 2002, 2005, 2008, calibration campaigns in Corsica, F. Deleflie, D. Coulot, P. Bonnefond
  • Implementation of the LASER Traffic Control System at the Haleakala Observatories, D. O’Gara, E. Kiernan-Olson, C. Giebink, D. Summers
  • Progress in KHz SLR and laser ranging to un-cooperative space targets at Shanghai Station, Chen Juping, Zhang Zhongping, Wu Zhibo, Zhang Haifeng, Li Pu, Yang Fumin
  • Installing SLR systems at the “Quasar” VLBI network observatories, A.Finkelstein, I.Gayazov, V.Shargorodsky, S.Smolentsev, V.Mitryaev
  • Software and operational status of Koganei kHz Ranging Engine (KRE), Hiroo Kunimori and Koji Ohi
  • New generation of the SLR station “Mendeleevo”, Igor Yu. Ignatenko, Vitaliy G. Palchikov, Anatoly G. Zhestkov
  • Availability of SLR Normal Points at ILRS Data Centers, Krzysztof Sosnica, Daniela Thaller, Rolf Dach, Adrian Jäggi, and Gerhard Beutler
  • Recent upgrades on the Metsähovi satellite laser ranging telescope, Raja-Halli A., Näränen J., Lapushka K., Arsov K., Poutanen M.
  • SLR providing low-degree gravity field coefficients for the new combined gravity field model GOCO02S, A. Maier, S. Krauss, W. Hausleitner, O. Baur
  • SLR telescope upgrade at Riga station, K.Lapushka, M.Abele, K.Salminsh
  • Development and construction of the photon counting receiver for the European laser time transfer space mission, Jan Kodet, Ivan Prochazka, Josef Blazej, Jan Brinek
  • T2L2 calibration using two SLR stations in Koganei re-commissioning KSP system, Hiroo Kunimori and Miho Fujieda
  • SCF-Test of Flight-quality Coated and Uncoated Cube Corner Laser Retroreflectors, S. Dell’Agnello, G. O. Delle Monache, D. G. Currie, R. Vittori, C. Cantone, M. Garattini, A. Boni, M. Martini, C. Lops, N. Intaglietta, D. A. Arnold, M. R. Pearlman, G. Bianco et al
  • Software and operational status of Simeiz SLR station, Artemov I.V., Dmytroysa A.I., Neyachenko D.I.,
  • Progress with the development of a Satellite and Lunar Laser Ranger for South Africa, Ludwig Combrinck, Roelf Botha, Tamsen Emmerich, Francis Pierron
  • Global SLR Tracking Support for HY-2 Satellite Precise Orbit Determination, Wu Bin, Lin Mingsen, Zhang Zhongping
  • Narrowband holographic selectors for SLR – extended lifetime, V.L. Moshkov,V.D. Shargorodsky, A.P. Popov, Yu.L.Korzinin, A.V. Veniaminov
  • Russian Laser Ranging Network: current status and perspectives, V.P.Vasiliev, V.D. Shargorodsky, V.B.Burmistrov, N.N. Parkhomenko
  • Thermospheric Density Fluctuations Derived from the Atmospheric Neutral Density Experiment Missions, Andrew C. Nicholas, Marc A. Davis, Scott A. Budzien, Ted T. Finne, Liam Healy
  • Solving ordinary differential equations with multi-precision libraries, Martin Ettl, Manfred Schneider, Urs Hugentobler
  • Using Pulse Position Modulation in SLR stations to transmit data to satellites, Georg Kirchner, Franz Koidl, Daniel Kucharski
  • SLR for LEO ranging, Abele M., Balodis J., Rubans A., Zarinsjh A
  • The SOS-W In Sky Laser Safety System, S. Riepl, C.Schade, M.Wensauer
  • BELA - The BepiColombo Laser Altimeter, Christian Althaus, Kay Lingenauber
  • Laser Ranging to NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO): ranging data results, Jan McGarry, David Skillman, Mark Torrence, Dandan Mao, Christopher Clarke, Julie Horvath
  • ILRS Website Redesign, Carey Noll, Lisa Lee, Mark Torrence
  • The 2009 Local ties survey at San Fernando Naval Observatory, Marcelino Valdés, Adolfo Dalda, Jorge Gárate, Rafael Quirós, José Martín Dávila
  • Borowiec activity in satellite orbit determination, Lejba, P., Schillak, S.
  • Continuous integration and quality control during software development, Martin Ettl, Alexander Neidhardt, Reiner Dassing
  • SLR/LLR/Time Transfer Experimentes @WLRS, U. Schreiber, P. Lauber, J. Eckl, S. Mähler, A. Neidhardt, N. Brandl, M. Mühlbauer, G. Herold, R. Motz, R. Dassing
  • The European Laser Timing (ELT) experiment on-board ACES, I. Procházka, U. Schreiber, P. Lauber, U. Hugentobler, D. Svehla, W. Schäfer, R. Nasca, L. Cacciapuoti, C. Salomon
  • Lunar Laser Ranger development at HartRAO, South Africa, Ludwig Combrinck, Roelf Botha, Tamsen Emmerich, Prancis Pierron