NASA will be performing network maintenance on Thursday, February 6, 2025, between 9:00 AM EST and 11:00 AM EST (14:00 to 16:00 UTC). There will be a few short periods of disruption. During these periods, the ILRS website will be unavailable. If you experience problems outside this window, contact

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Normal Point (NP) Transmission Procedure

Normal Point (NP) Delivery Procedure(s) for the ILRS network stations are tabulated below. Historically, stations have sent their NP data to one of two operation centers (EDC or NASA).

EUROLAS stations have sent their data to the EDC OC; NASA stations have sent their data to the NASA OC; and WPLTN stations have sent their data to either the EDC or NASA OC (see NP Data Flow Table). Now there is a third choice as a backup in case the EDC or NASA OCs are inaccessible. These choices will help to ensure a usable backup option whether the stations submit their data by ftp or email. The EDC and NASA OCs are ftp backups for each other.

The NP delivery schedule depends heavily on site internet connectivity and level of data processing automation. Stations are encouraged to transmit their data as rapidly as possible in support of existing and upcoming mission requirements.

Center     Data Transmission Options    Comments
--------   --------------------------   -----------------------
EDC        ftp or email                 ftp backup to NASA
NASA OC    ftp                          ftp backup to EDC

Procedure 1 - NP Delivery to EDC

This procedure is routinely used by the EUROLAS network and by selected systems in the WPLTN network. This procedure can also be used as a backup for stations that regularly send their data to NASA OC, when NASA OC is inaccessible.

EDC accepts two data transmission methods (e-mail and ftp). Contact Christian Schwatke for information about data transmission to the EDC.

Procedure 2 - CRD Delivery to NASA OC

This procedure is used by selected stations in the WPLTN network. This procedure can also be used as a backup procedure for stations that regularly send their data to the EDC, when the EDC is inaccessible.

The NASA OC accepts CRD data only via ftp (no email). Contact the NASA SLR DOC for information about data transmission to the NASA OC.