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Other ILRS Related Publications
- International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry (IVS); 2015: The IVS data input to ITRF2014, A. Nothnagel, International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry, GFZ Data Services. http://doi.org/10.5880/GFZ.1.1.2015.002
- The Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) and the Important Role played by the Institute of Applied Astronomy, ROSCOSMOS, and other Russian Participants, M. Pearlman, presented at the 6th All-Russian Meeting "Fundamental and Applied Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Meeting (PNT-2015)", St. Petersburg Russia, April 20-24, 2015
- The GGOS Bureau of Networks and Observations and an Update on the Space Geodesy Networks (PDF | 20.2 MB), Abstract EGU2015-7420, M. Pearlman, C. Ma, C. Noll, E. Pavlis, H. Schuh, T. Schoene, R. Barzaghi, S. Kenyon.
- A Tutorial on Retroreflectors and Arrays for SLR, John Degnan, Presentation and paper from ILRS Technical Laser Workshop "Satellite, Lunar and Planetary Laser Ranging: Characterizing the Space Segment", INFN-LNF, Frascati, Italy, November 05-09, 2012
- Satellite Laser Ranging and Rules of the Road for the International Laser Ranging Service (PDF), M. Pearlman, presentation to the PNT Advisory Board, May 2009
- Creation of the new industry-standard space test of laser retroreflectors for the GNSS and LAGEOS, S. Dell'Agnello, G.O. Delle Monache, D.G. Currie, R. Vittori, C. Cantone, M. Garattini, A. Boni, M. Martini, C. Lops, N. Intaglietta, R. Tauraso, D.A. Arnold, M.R. Pearlman, G. Bianco, S. Zerbini, M. Maiello, S. Berardi, L. Porcelli, C.O. Alley, J.F. McGarry, C. Sciarretta, V. Luceri, T.W. Zagwodzki, Advances in Space Research,ISSN 0273-1177, DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2010.10.022
- Satellite Laser Ranging Station Review Committee Report, Joint NASA-CNES Review Committee, October 2008
- Report of the TLS (Terrestrial Laser Scanner) Workshop, NASA GSFC, September 08-10, 2008
- Belmont Report, GSFC Laboratory for Terrestrial Physics workshop report, February 1994, on the contribution of SLR to meeting current scientific requirements and evaluate opportunities for improved cost effectiveness
- SLR Review Commitee Report, formed by Miriam Baltuck, Chief of Solid Earth and Natural Hazards Branch at NASA HQ
- EUROLAS Workshop: Detecting and eliminating errors in the EUROLAS network
- Japanese GUTS system and MOBLAS-7 2003 co-location review (MS Word document courtesy of HTSI/Tom Oldham)
- A Brief History of Satellite Laser Ranging: 1964 – present (A GSFC Perspective), J. McGarry, 694 branch meeting, April 2005.
- Co-Location and Local Tie Information at the International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS) (PDF paper), Carey Noll at IERS Workshop on Co-Location Survey, Matera, Italy October 23-24, 2003
- Summary (PDF) and presentations (PDF | 6.5 Mbytes) from the Retroreflector Array Meeting held on April 06, 2006 during the EGU in Vienna Austria
- GGOS Ground Networks and Communications Working Group Meeting summary (PDF) and presentations (PDF | 6.5 Mbytes) held on April 06, 2006 during EGU in Vienna Austria
- Articles by John Degnan
- Satellite Laser Ranging: Current Status and Future Prospects (PDF format, approximately 4.33Mb)
- Thirty Years of Satellite Laser Ranging (PDF format, approximately 2.38Mb)
- Millimeter Accuracy Satellite Laser Ranging: A Review (PDF format, approximately 5.12Mb)
- Asyncronous Laser Transponders for Precise Interplanetary Ranging and Time Transfer (PDF format, approximately 700Kb)
- The History and Future of Satellite Laser Ranging (PDF format, approximately 2.3Mb), presented at the Korean SLR Workshop, March 8-9, 2006 Seoul, South Korea
- Reports by David Arnold:
- Arnold, David A., "Optical and Infrared Transfer Function of the LAGEOS Retroreflector Array", Smithsonian Institution Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, May 1978.
- Arnold, D.A., "Calculation of retroreflector array transfer functions". Final Tech. Rep., NASA Grant NGR 09-015-196; NASA Cr-130696, December, 1972.
- Arnold, D.A., Thorp, J.M., "Timing (epoch)". In SAO ISAGEX Experience. I. Data Acquisition, ed. by E.M. Gaposchkin, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, pp. 29-30, May, 1972.
- Arnold, D.A., "Optical transfer function of NTS-1 reflector array". Tech. Rep. RTOP 161-05-02, NASA Grant NGR 09-015-002, Suppl. No. 57, October, 1974.
- Arnold, D.A., "Optical transfer function of Starlette retroreflector array". Tech. Rep., RTOP 161-05-02, NASA Grant NGR 09-015-002, Suppl. No. 57, February, 1975.
- Arnold, D.A., "Optical and infrared transfer function of the Geos 3 retro-reflector array". Tech. Rep., RTOP 161-05-02, NASA Grant NGR 09-015-002, Suppl. No. 57, October, 1975.
- Arnold, D.A., "Method of calculating retroreflector-array transfer functions". Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Special Report No. 382, 165 pp., 1979.
- Arnold, D.A., Dobrowolny, M., "Transmission-line model of the interaction of a long metal wire with the ionosphere". Radio Science vol. 15, No. 6, November-December, 1980.
- Arnold, D.A., "The Behavior of Long Tethers in Space". The Journal of the Astronautical Sciences, Vol. 35, No. 1, January-March, 1987.
- Arnold, D., "Retroreflector Array Transfer Functions", Presentation to 13th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Washington, DC, USA, October 7-11, 2002.
- Arnold, D., "Velocity Aberration (Poster Summary)", Presentation to 13th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Washington, DC, USA, October 7-11, 2002.
- Arnold, D., "Wavelength Dependence of Range Correction", Presentation to 13th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Washington, DC, USA, October 7-11, 2002.
- Arnold, D., G. Appleby, "Lageos' Asymmetric Reflectivity", 14th International Laser Ranging Workshop, San Fernando, Spain, June 7-11, 2004.
- Arnold, D., G. Kirchner, F. Koidl, "Identifying Single Retro Tracks with a 2 Khz SLR System-Simulations and Actual Results", 14th International Laser Ranging Workshop, San Fernando, Spain, June 7-11, 2004.
- Arnold, D. "Parametric thermal analysis of hollow Beryllium Retroreflector", 2005.
- Arnold, D., "Retroreflector studies", 15th International Laser Ranging Workshop, Canberra, Australia, Oct. 15-20, 2006.
- Arnold, D., "Cross section of ILRS satellites", ILRS Technical Workshop, Koetzting, Germany, October 2003.
- Arnold, D., "Cross section of the APOLLO Lunar retroreflector arrays"
- Arnold, D., "ILRS Standard for Retroreflector Arrays at GNSS Altitudes", April 2007.
- Arnold, D., "Transfer Function of the LARES Retroreflector Array", February 2015.
- Arnold, D., "Thermal-optical design of a geodetic satellite for one millimeter accuracy," Advances in Space Research, Volume 65, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 2276-2289,
- Arnold, D., "Transfer Function of the LAGEOS-2 Retroreflector Array", November, 2022.