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2005-2006 ILRS Report

International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS) 2005-2006 Report (NASA/TP-2007-214153)
Edited by M. Pearlman and C. Noll

This 2005-2006 volume is the fifth published report for the International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS). This edition once again concentrates on achievements and work in progress rather than ILRS organizational elements. The 2005-2006 ILRS report is structured as follows:



  • ILRS Organization, reviews the service and its role in space geodesy.
  • ILRS Tracking Network, ILRS Tracking Network, provides the current status and recent performance statistics of the international stations supporting the ILRS and offers a perspective on site surveys and system collocations. An update on field engineering activities is also provided.
  • ILRS Missions and Campaigns, gives information about many of the current and future missions supported by the ILRS.
  • Infrastructure, details recent activities tackled by the ILRS Central Bureau, including Web site improvements and data center developments.
  • Tracking Procedures and Data Flow, discusses satellite predictions, ILRS tracking priorities, recent developments in the area of dynamic priorities, and the flow of on-site normal points and full-rate data.
  • Emerging Technologies, includes information about high repetition rate lasers and systems, detectors, timers and frequency standards, multi-wavelength ranging, and other hardware that will help advance the accuracy and automation of laser ranging systems. Also included are new applications for the SLR technique.
  • Analysis Activities, reviews the recent developments in the ILRS Analysis Working Group including the three pilot projects begun in 2002, Computation of Station Positions and EOPs, Orbits, and Software Benchmarking.
  • Modeling, discusses recent advancements in refraction modeling and satellite center of mass corrections.
  • Science Report, examines the ILRS role in the ITRF, its synergy with the other geodetic techniques, and some interesting applications for both SLR and LLR.
  • Meetings and Reports, reviews ILRS-related meetings in 2005-2006 and reports issued by the service over that period.
  • Bibliography, lists some of the papers and presentations about SLR and LLR science and technology made during 2005-2006.
  • AC, AAC, and Lunar AAC Reports, presents individual summaries from ILRS analysis and associate analysis centers.
  • Station Reports, includes information received from the stations contributing to the ILRS network.
  • Appendix A - ILRS Information, lists organizations participating in the ILRS and defines acronyms used in this report.


Available Files

Section PDF size - KB
Front Cover 1.5
Sections 1-13 and Appendix 9,920