NASA Logo, National Aeronautics and Space Administration

19th International Workshop on Laser Ranging

Celebrating 50 Years of SLR: Remembering the Past and Planning for the Future

Author Instructions

We have transitioned the workshop's website from the original version ( to a proceedings-focused version ( We ask all presenters (both oral and poster) to review the program page:

to ensure that the PDF version of your presentation/poster is complete and correct. As a reminder, please submit any missing posters to Carey Noll ( so we can provide access to all. If you were unable to display your poster but would still like to include it in the website, please send me a copy.

We are accepting papers for the proceedings, to be published in an on-line version. Authors should read the instructions for submitting papers. We ask that you submit all papers to both Carey Noll ( and your session chairs by JANUARY 31, 2015.

Please contact Carey Noll ( if you have any questions. Thank you for your cooperation.